Autoren A–G / Autoren H–M / Autoren N–Z / Komponisten/Musiker

Movement to Sound, Sound to Movement

Interpreting Multimedia Piano Compositions

Rei Nakamura, Marion Saxer, and Simon Tönies (eds.)

248 pp., pb., photos
in English

For many composers today, rethinking the relationship between the auditory and the visual, sound and movement, is a central concern – often connected with (but not limited to) a post-digital perspective on new media. Interestingly enough, the classical piano remains a benchmark for many of those compositions. The essays collected in this volume shed light on the potential and challenges of media-integrated piano composition from a threefold perspective: musicology, performance and composition. They explore the way in which performers deal with conceptual media set-ups (challenges that are seldom taught at music academies), what media integration means for composers today, and the ways that audio-visual concepts change the aesthetic contexts of experience.


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