Autoren A–G / Autoren H–M / Autoren N–Z / Komponisten/Musiker

Music, Wit, and Wisdom

The Autobiography of Artur Schnabel

Edited by Werner Grünzweig and Lynn Matheson
298 p., Hardcover

The twelve lectures held by Artur Schnabel at the University of Chicago in 1945 are generally thought of as his autobiography. This new edition of the book “My Life and Music” is a complete revision of the previously published text, with considerable additions to some sections. The text was revised using the lecture manuscripts stored in the music archives of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin.

Schnabel’s “autobiography” can still be read today as a key work of 20th century music history. His dazzling intellect, profound humour and acute insights into music and musical life make his lectures as relevant today as they were at the time. Schnabel was an artist who reflected upon the value of music in modern society like no other practicing musician, and who foresaw developments decades ago that are only now becoming fully apparent.

For the German translation of this book see Aus dir wird nie ein Pianist.


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