Books in English and bilingual books


Phil Freeman: In the Brewing Luminous · The Life & Music of Cecil Taylor · 36.00 EUR

Mark Lehmstedt: "God is in the House" · A Biography of Art Tatum · 48.00 EUR

Radio Cologne Sound · Das Studio für Elektronische Musik des WDR · 39.00 EUR

Luigi Gaggero: A Natural Gesture · Thoughts on Musical Praxis and Conducting · 20.00 EUR

Guillaume Belhomme: Eric Dolphy · Biographical sketches · 24.00 EUR

Composing While Black · Afrodiasporische Neue Musik Heute / Afrodiasporic New Music Today · 29.00 EUR

Jorgo Schäfer: Watching with my Ears · 20 Years Vision Festival New York · 39.00 EUR

Benjamin Dwyer: Music Autopsies · Essays and Interviews (1999–2022) · 28.00 EUR

Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Reader edited by Julia H. Schröder and Volker Straebel · 29.00 EUR

Bernhard Rietbrock: Alvin Lucier's Reflexive Experimental Aesthetics · 36.00 EUR

Benjamin Ivry: Sighing For The Silvery Moon · English Music Hall Songs Reexamined · 9.50 EUR

Exhibiting Sound Art · 29.80 EUR

Lauren Newton: VOCAL Adventures · Free Improvisation in Sound, Space, Spirit and Song · 29.00 EUR

Free Music Production · FMP – The Living Music · 39.00 EUR

Karl Berger: The Music Mind Experience · Playing | Listening | Singing | Moving · 24.00 EUR

Peter Niklas Wilson: Spirits Rejoice! · Albert Ayler and his message · 24.00 EUR

Sounding Fragilities · An Anthology · 34.00 EUR

N. Andrew Walsh: LABYRINTHUS. HIC HABITAT MUSICA · Ergodic Scores of the postwar Avant-Garde · 48.00 EUR

Wolfgang Rathert: Géza Anda – Pianist · A panorama on his 100th birthday · 28.00 EUR

Movement to Sound, Sound to Movement · Interpreting Multimedia Piano Compositions · 29.00 EUR

Brötzmann: Along the Way · Artwork from 2012 to 2020 · 36.00 EUR

Adorno and the Aesthetics of Postwar Serial Music by Marcus Zagorski · 20.00 EUR

Harald Kisiedu: European Echoes · Jazz Experimentalism in Germany 1950–1975 · 29.00 EUR

Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer: Isang Yun · His Life an Work in Pictures · 48.00 EUR

Brötzmann: We thought we could change the world · Conversations with Gérard Rouy · eBook (PDF) · 22.00 EUR

David Fanning: Mieczyslaw Weinberg. In Search of Freedom · 24.00 EUR

Smetak’s Inventions · Die vermischten Welten des Erfinders, Klangkünstlers und Musikers Walter Smetak (1913-1984) · 22.00 EUR

Leonard Bernstein · Ein New Yorker in Wien / A New Yorker in Vienna · 29.00 EUR

Jazz @ 100 · An alternative to a story of heroes · Darmstädter Beiträge Bd. 15 · 28.00 EUR

Gottfried Michael Koenig: Process and Form · Selected Writings on Music · 32.00 EUR

Klaus Huber: Plowed Time · Writings and Conversations · 24.00 EUR

Perspectives for Contemporary Music in the 21st Century · 24.00 EUR

Gender and Identity in Jazz · Darmstädter Beiträge Bd. 14 · 28.00 EUR

The Musical Legacy of Karlheinz Stockhausen · Looking Back and Forward · 22.00 EUR

Jazz Debates / Jazzdebatten · Darmstädter Beiträge Bd. 13 · 24.00 EUR

Artur Schnabel: Walking Freely on Firm Ground · Letters to Mary Virginia Foreman 1935–1951 · 39.00 EUR

The Teaching of Karl Ulrich Schnabel by Richard Rhodes · 34.00 EUR

Cage & Consequences · 16 Essays · 29.00 EUR

Music, Wit, and Wisdom · Artur Schnabel’s autobiography · 38.00 EUR

Music and the Line of Most Resistance · Artur Schnabel's Selected Lectures · 24.00 EUR

Alexander Goehr “Fings ain’t wot they used t’be” · Archive zur Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts Bd. 13 · 24.00 EUR

bang · Pure Data 175 pages, 19 x 26 cm, pb., illus. (partly 4c), DVD Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical ... 24.00 EUR

Kirsten Reese Medien Klang Konstellationen · Media Sound Constellations · 25.00 EUR

›I Sing the Body Electric‹ · Music and Technology in the 20th Century · 12.80 EUR

Walter Zimmermann: Desert Plants · Conversations with 23 American Musicians · 29.00 EUR

Tom Johnson: Finding Music · Writings · Schriften 1961–2018 · 38.00 EUR

Robert Ashley: Outside of Time/Außerhalb der Zeit · Ideas about Music/Gedanken über Musik · 38.00 EUR

Morton Feldman: Words on Music / Worte über Musik · Morton Feldman in Middelburg · Lectures and Conversations/Vorträge und Gespräche · 60.00 EUR

Frederic Rzewski: Nonsequiturs / Unlogische Folgerungen · 38.00 EUR

Robert Ashley: Music with Roots in the Aether · Interviews with and Essays about Seven American Composers · 20.00 EUR

Christian Wolff: Cues/Hinweise · Writings & Conversations / Schriften und Gespräche · 38.00 EUR

Peter Ablinger: Now! · Writings 1982–2021 · 32.00 EUR

Alvin Lucier: Reflections · Interviews, Scores, Writings · 38.00 EUR

These volumes on the newest music are published jointly by the Gesellschaft für Musik & Ästhetik and the bludenzer tagen zeitgemäßer musik


Polyphony & Complexity · New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 1 · 0.00 EUR

Musical Morphology · New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 2 · 22.00 EUR

The Foundations of Contemporary Composing · New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 3 · 22.00 EUR

Electronics in New Music · New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 4 · 24.00 EUR

Critical Composition Today · New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 5 · 22.00 EUR

Facets of the Second Modernity · New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 6 · 24.00 EUR

Klaus Huber From Time—to Time: The Complete Œuvre · In Conversation with Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf · New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 7 · 29.00 EUR

Musical Material Today · New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 8 · 24.00 EUR

Substance and Content in Music Today · New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 9 · 22.00 EUR